IT-Expert on Call

IT-Expert on Call

Experience has no substitute
Inexperience carries significant cost and risk.

Where INTERNET Security is in constant FOCUS


Fiber PON's Explained

IT-Expert on Call does not maintain a staffed storefront office
All access to our resources is by appointment only made either by
Phone (613) 828-6611 or (613) 762-8018 or  » e-mail us « 

Based in Nepean, Ontario, Canada servicing the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton plus we offer
remote services within Canada and the Continental U.S.A where broadbandThe term broadband commonly refers to high-speed Internet access that is always on and faster than the traditional dial-up access internet service is available.

RoboFormEverything you need to manage your passwords
Take control of your passwords with our easy-to-use features
Password Manager
IT Knows All Your Passwords
→ But Promises Not to Tell ←

 MOABMother Of All Blacklists blocks over 600 million Bad Guys from attacking your Internet » Here's how «

Threat Intelligence at Work 24/7 365

Windows and Linux

WHY struggle with: Who is in CONTROL of your Network ?
Why a Firewall and what about NAT ?
Mailwasher ProMailWasher will screen all your email accounts in one place and allow only the email you want in your inbox. MailWasher lets you preview all your email before it gets to your computer or mobile device, enabling you to read all your email securely, and instantly delete any unwanted or suspicious email. Your remaining good email is downloaded to your PC or mobile device, so you avoid any spam or email viruses in your PC.  Effective e-mail Spam control
Sluggish Computer Problems Enabling Virtual Private Network connectivity Fixing Wireless and/or Wired Network Problems
Gaining Control over your Network Bringing Data Back From the Dead Working securely from Your Office or Your Home
Virus and Spyware invasion Wi-Fi Business Network Slow Downs, Delays, Waiting Xbox and/or PlayStation GamePlay

Here's why IT runs much faster plus works much better and is just safer

Decide what you need and » e-mail us «  about what you'd like us to do.
We would be delighted to help you decide what you need and what you'd like us to do based on a on-site consultation session.